
Robotic Waste Sorting



What we do:

Recycleye’s teams develop and builds robotic waste sorting systems using sophisticated AI technology.

Already installed in locations across Europe and the United States in large waste processing facilities, this technology enables rapid and efficient separation of rubbish, a task that is essential if materials are to be recycled and configured into new products or technology.

A task that if done by people is dirty, boring, repetitive and very tiring.

Together they are making a small but valuable contribution towards healing our planet. Small steps put together are the only way that mankind will be able to repair the damage done to our planet in the past 25 years.

For People and Planet :

Humans are creating more and more rubbish that is having a devastating effect on our environment.

Every single man, woman and child in the UK generates 100 kilograms of packaging waste alone each year because of our consumer lifestyles and a ‘throw away’ society.

If rubbish isn’t reused, or recycled, it is taken to landfills where it contributes to air pollution, water and soil contamination and create methane and carbon dioxide both of which contribute to climate change.

Landfill should be considered as a last resort, and finding ways to reduce and recycle waste is crucial.

Biodegradable rubbish, such as food, paper and garden waste can breakdown naturally.

Non-biodegradable rubbish, drinks cans, plastic bottles and packaging does not break down naturally in the environment.

To recycle these items first need to be separated and that is where Recycleye’s technology comes into play.

Recycleye robots rapidly recognise and sort each type of material, working tirelessly 24 hours a day. After sorting the materials can then be reprocessed and used to create new products.

Why we do it:

Waste is a massive problem. The World Bank estimates that, globally, we produce approximately 2.01 billion tonnes of solid waste each year.

At least 33% of that waste is not managed in an environmentally sound manner. The importance of waste segregation is something that we can no longer afford to ignore.

The situation is much the same in the UK. In 2018, only 44.1% of municipal waste was successfully recycled.

Low recycling rates can be largely attributed to inadequate infrastructure for processing our rubbish, which has, historically been dumped in other countries’ back yards, like China, for processing. But China has now banned foreign paper and plastic waste imports, and the UK faces having a waste treatment capacity shortage of up to 6 million tonnes by 2030.

Fortunately, the UK government has committed to an ambitious 65% municipal recycling rate by 2035 but to achieve these recycling targets, both households and commercial organisations will have to do their part by accurately segregating their waste.

The People who do it:

A young team on a mission to play their part in making the world a better place.

Our Engineers include:

Software engineers, Mechanical engineers, AI engineers, Programmers, Chemical engineers, Technicians.

43 Central Street London EC1V 8AB
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How to Join Us:

At Recycleye, they believe in empowerment, inclusivity and perseverance.

Join the team and help their mission to deliver intelligent waste sorting technology and research.

It’s all about each person playing their part in creating a cleaner and sustainable planet. 

Career Opportunities ➡︎

Who We Work With:

Recycleye’s pioneering research has been developed in partnership with academics at leading universities to create WasteNet: the world’s largest dataset to recognise man made waste.

It boasts over 3 million training images created by deep learning and computer vision refined by weight and brand detection.

In the Community:

Recycle works in partnership with Robot maker FANUC UK to innovate together and bring the best solutions to waste sorting.